Friday 26 August 2016

How to get rid of hair fall

Hair fall is a very common problem these days and people suffering from this problem are afraid of losing their hair too early. It's common in both, men and women. This might be due to improper eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle, stress or excessive hair styling; specially using heat to style your hair and using chemicals such as hair dyes on your hair. 

How to get rid of hair fall?

1. Shampoo you hair ONLY when it is needed, twice a week. Too much shampoo causes hair fall due to the presence of chemicals in the shampoos. (You can shampoo more often if your hair gets oily)

2. Cover your hair. Yes, don't let dust get stuck into it.
3. Comb it several times a day to improve blood circulation in that region.
4. Try not to use hair straighteners, blow dryers or curling iron to style your hair.
5. Oiling, Yes this is a must. Use olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil for your hair. Hey you can even mix them all up and massage your hair with the mixture. Oil works better when warm. REMEMBER, I'm asking to apply WARM oil, DO NOT APPLY TOO HOT OIL ON YOUR HAIR.
6. A healthy diet is a must for healthy hair. Eat food that contains proteins, iron and oh, vitamin E.
7. Stress is a major cause of hair fall. Try not to worry too much about things. Try to stay as happy as possible because that's not only good for your soul, but for your skin and your hair.
8. Get rid of dandruff. Use anti dandruff treatments or shampoo and get rid of dandruff because it causes hair fall.
9. DON'T COMB HAIR WHEN IT IS WET. Hair is much weaker when it's wet and comes out easily. Wait for it to dry and then comb it.
10. Green Tea is good for your hair. Drink it or apply it on your hair and wash if after 30 minutes. It promotes hair growth too.
11. Exercise. Yes, it improves blood circulation, reduces stress and gives healthy hair, skin and body.
12. Drink water regularly. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily for a healthy skin and healthy hair.

 Follow these steps to get rid of hair fall and get beautiful, healthy hair. :)
take care lovelies xx


  1. great tips thanks for sharing

  2. Dark circles under the lower eyelids are common in men and women. Often accompanied by bags, dark circle treatment can make you appear older than you are. To make matters worse, they can be difficult to get rid of.
